Giotec supporting the region |

Giotec supporting the region

In the first two weekends of July 2022, Giotec sponsored Step back, a sporting event that enhances our region.

Step back started in 2017 in Marano Vicentino based on an idea by Alberto Chiumenti, an A2 series player, through the collaboration of Giovanni Gasparin and the commitment of several volunteers and basketball fans. This event allows budding players and non-professionals to have the opportunity to play internationally renowned guests for a weekend, like the NBA player Danilo Gallinari, a guest of past editions.

Step back and Giotec: intertwined values.

This event is particularly important to us, not only for our passion for basketball, but for the values it expresses: team playing, the commitment and dedication necessary to achieve high levels, the determination to reach the net and our goals.
We wanted to support this event because it brings together the regional present and future excellence of basketball, enhancing Marano Vicentino, the birthplace of our company.

Giotec supporting the region |


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